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The Little Hen Ryaba

The text of the Fairy tale

An Old Man and an Old Woman lived in a small village. They had a hen, Ryaba. One day, Ryaba laid an egg. The Old Man and Old Woman looked at it and couldn’t believe their eyes—the egg was golden! It was an absolute miracle for them.
The Owners put the egg in the middle of the table to look at it. The egg was glittering in the sun, so they couldn’t take their eyes off it! They admired this extraordinary egg and wanted to taste it. The Old Man took the egg to break it. However hard he tried to break it, he couldn’t.
Then, the Old Woman wanted to try.
However hard she tried to break it — she couldn’t.
Then, the Mouse jumped out of the corner and touched the golden egg with her tail.
The egg rolled, fell, and broke into pieces.
The Old Man and Old Woman were so upset that they began to cry.
"Don't cry, Old Man and Old Woman' said the Hen Ryaba.
"I'll lay you a new egg — an ordinary egg, not golden.