Select the child's age
1.5 - 3
3 - 5
5 - 7
7 - 10
10 - 12
12 - 15
0 - 1.5
For Parents
Functional materials for each age, event announcements, and downloadable documents.

Functional materials for each age

1.5 - 3 years

Children actively explore the world using all their senses.
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0 - 1.5 years

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The most important thing during this period is harmony and comfort for babies and their mothers.

3 - 5 years

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Children begin to actively socialize, asking questions about themselves and the world around them.

5 - 7 years

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Children actively explore the world, asking "How?" and "Why?" and starting to solve their first problems.

7 - 10 years

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Children start to express their individuality vividly at this age and learn to work in a team.

10 - 12 years

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Children begin to realize the power of uniting to achieve common goals.

12 - 15 years

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Teenagers experience an essential stage of personality formation, requiring recognition and support.
Our article provides detailed information about how children’s physical, mental, and emotional development changes at different stages of life.

    Useful Checklists