0-1,5 years

About Preventive Pediatrics

Pediatrician's advice 0-1.5
Doctors enjoy the preventive part of their work, but unfortunately, they acknowledge that the population often neglects it.
Primarily, a pediatrician's preventive work involves regular check-ups for children according to the Ministry of Health order N 514n, which specifies the frequency of examinations by specialists and the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies based on the child's age.
During professional check-ups, the child's condition is assessed, weight, height, head circumference, and chest circumference are measured, parents' concerns are discussed, and additional tests are prescribed if necessary. It is essential to examine the child regularly, not only when sick but also when they are healthy. Some illnesses do not show obvious symptoms, but a doctor can suspect them.

Doctors can guide on many preventive issues: vaccinations, prevention of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), acute intestinal infections, child injuries, poisonings, obesity, eating disorders, insect bites, and more.
Pediatrician Contacts:
Alina Korunova