First, you need to consult a specialist. The specialist will create a precise work plan based on your child's characteristics.
Recommendations to Follow at Home:
Maintain a daily routine, provide balanced nutrition, and encourage more household independence (dressing and undressing alone).
Create situations where the child must verbally express their desires from an early age.
Encourage physical activity and body movement.
Sing songs with movements and engage in finger exercises.
Pronounce words that the child says incorrectly, emphasizing the correct pronunciation.
Create a favorable speech environment and organize games that provoke children's speech activity.
Foster a positive family climate that encourages communication among all family members.
Organize the child's free time with various clubs and interactions with peers.
*Following these guidelines is not a cure-all for all speech problems. However, it is worth noting that adhering to them can significantly ease life for both the child and the parent.