It's important to tell your child what to expect. Explain that school is an essential stage in everyone's life where they will gain a lot of new knowledge, understand what they want to be in the future, meet new friends, and experience many exciting things. Usually, in the senior groups of kindergarten or preparatory groups, children's daily routine is brought closer to that of school, with lessons and breaks, and they are taught classroom behavior rules.
If your child did not attend kindergarten, try to adjust the daily routine to that of school on your own approximately a month before the start of school: wake up at a particular time, engage in "lessons" with breaks, and eat at specific times. You can play role-playing games where you are the teacher, and the child is the student. Explain to the child the roles of the teacher and students and the rules of behavior during lessons and breaks.
Teach them how to ask to go to the restroom.
Introduce your child to the school in advance and walk around it or on its grounds.
Changing the place of study is always stressful. If it is necessary to change schools, inform your child in advance and remind them occasionally.
Remember vaccination.
Your child should feel your support in all their endeavors and during life changes. You should be as close as possible during these times. Ask how their day at school went, what they ate, what moments made them happy, and what upset them. Learn to deal with difficulties together and find time for this.
If your child did not attend kindergarten, try to adjust the daily routine to that of school on your own approximately a month before the start of school: wake up at a particular time, engage in "lessons" with breaks, and eat at specific times. You can play role-playing games where you are the teacher, and the child is the student. Explain to the child the roles of the teacher and students and the rules of behavior during lessons and breaks.
Teach them how to ask to go to the restroom.
Introduce your child to the school in advance and walk around it or on its grounds.
Changing the place of study is always stressful. If it is necessary to change schools, inform your child in advance and remind them occasionally.
Remember vaccination.
Your child should feel your support in all their endeavors and during life changes. You should be as close as possible during these times. Ask how their day at school went, what they ate, what moments made them happy, and what upset them. Learn to deal with difficulties together and find time for this.
Which Doctors to Visit?
The order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 514n helps us in this matter. It stipulates that at 6 years old, a child undergoes a comprehensive preventive examination by the following specialists: pediatrician, neurologist, surgeon, trauma orthopedist, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, urologist-andrologist/gynecologist, dentist, and child psychiatrist. Ultrasounds of the abdominal organs, kidneys, heart, ECG, and general blood and urine tests are conducted.
After the examination, the pediatrician concludes about the child's health, gives recommendations, determines the group for physical education, and notes any particular indications (for example, children with poor vision should sit at the front desks).
After the examination, the pediatrician concludes about the child's health, gives recommendations, determines the group for physical education, and notes any particular indications (for example, children with poor vision should sit at the front desks).